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Haack, P., Pfarrer, M.D., & Scherer, A.G. (2014). Legitimacy-as-Feeling: How Affect Leads to Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance. Journal of Management Studies, 51(4), 34-666.
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Díez-Martín, F., Blanco-González, A., & Prado-Román, C. (2016). Explaining nation-wide differences in entrepreneurial activity: a legitimacy perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(4), 1079–1102 (2016).
Turcan, R.V., & Fraser, N.M. (2016). An ethnographic study of new venture and new sector legitimation: Evidence from Moldova. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11(1), 72-88.
Diez-Martin, F., Blanco-Gonzalez, A., & Prado-Román, C. (2018). Factors Affecting Individual Decisions Based on Business Legitimacy. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(1), 181-199.
Haack, P., & Sieweke, J. (2018). The Legitimacy of Inequality: Integrating the Perspectives of System Justification and Social Judgment. Journal of Management Studies, 55(3), 486-516.
Blanco-González, A., Prado-Román, C., & Diez-Martín, F. (2018). Building a European legitimacy index. American Behavioral Scientist, 61(5), 509-525.
Martínez-Navalón, J., Blanco-González, A., & Prado-Román, A. (2019). Un análisis de la satisfacción de los stakeholders y la legitimidad: El modelo de negocio de la institución universitaria. Revista Espacios, 40(16), 27
Del-Castillo-Feito, C., Blanco-González, A., & González-Vázquez, E. (2019). The relationship between image and reputation in the Spanish public university. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(2), 87-92.
Cachón-Rodríguez, G.; Prado Román, C., & Zúñiga-Vicente, J.A. (2019). The relationship between identification and loyalty in a public university: are there differences between (the perceptions) professors and graduates? European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 122–128.
Miotto, G., Polo-López, M., & Rom-Rodríguez, J. (2019). Gender equality and UN sustainable development goals: Priorities and correlations in the top business schools’ communication and legitimation strategies. Sustainability, 11(2), 302.
Del Castillo, C., Blanco-González, A., & González-Vázquez, E. (2019). Influence of Attitudes Toward Immigration on State Legitimacy. American Behavioral Scientist, 63 (7), 955-970.
Blanco-González, A., Miotto, G., & Díez-Martín, F. (2020). Politics and Regionality: Does Region of Residence Affect the State’s Legitimacy? American Behavioral Scientist, 65 (3), 465-481.
Zhang, J., Deephouse, D. L., van Gorp, D., & Ebbers, H. (2020). Individuals’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Emerging Market Multinationals: Ethical Foundations and Construct Validation. Journal of Business Ethics, 8, 1-25.
Miotto, G., & Youn, S. (2020). The impact of fast fashion retailers' sustainable collections on corporate legitimacy: Examining the mediating role of altruistic attributions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16 (6), 618-631.
Cachón-Rodríguez, G., Prado-Román, C., & Blanco-González, A. (2020). Effects of image on university identification and loyalty: are there differences between students and graduates? Revista Espacios
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Toussaint, M., Cabalenas, P., & Blanco-González, A. (2020). Social sustainability in the Food Value Chain: An integrative approach beyond Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28, 103-115.
Blanco-González, A., Díez-Martín, F., Cachón-Rodríguez, G., & Prado-Román, C. (2020). Contribution of Social Responsibility to the Work Involvement of Employees. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27 (6), 2588–2598.
Miotto, G., Blanco-González, A., & Díez-Martín, F. (2020). Top business school’s legitimacy quest through the Sustainable Development Goals. Heliyon 6(11), e05395.
Delgado-Alemany, R., Blanco-González, A., & Revilla-Camacho, M.A. (2020). Códigos deontológicos: El rol de los colegios profesionales y las profesiones reguladas. Espacios, 41(39), 231-249.
Delgado-Alemany, R., Blanco-González, A., & Díez-Martín, F. (2020). Ethics and Deontology in Spanish Public Universities. Education Sciences, 10, 259.
Prado-Roman, C., Diez-Martin, F., & Blanco-Gonzalez, A. (2020). The effect of communication on the legitimacy and performance of organizations. Review of Business Management (RBGN), 22(3), 565-581.
Del-Castillo-Feito, C., Blanco-González, A., & Delgado-Alemany, R. (2020). The Relationship between Image, Legitimacy, and Reputation as a Sustainable Strategy: Students’ Versus Professors’ Perceptions in the Higher Education Sector. Sustainability, 12(3), 1189.
Miotto, G., Del-Castillo-Feito, C., & Blanco-González, A. (2020). Reputation and legitimacy: Key factors for Higher Education Institutions’ sustained competitive advantage. Journal Business Research, 112, 342-353.
Blanco-González, A., Miotto, G., & Díez-Martín, F. (2021). Relationship Between Equality Policies and Moral Legitimacy According to Experts’ Perceptions. Tripodos, 48, 103-116.
Díez-Martín, F., Blanco-González, A., & Prado-Román, C. (2021). The intellectual structure of organizational legitimacy research: a co‑citation analysis in business journals. Review of Managerial Science, 15, 1007-1043.
Díez-Martín, F., Díez-De-Castro, E., & Blanco-González, A. (2021). Measuring a scientifically multifaceted concept. The jungle of organizational legitimacy. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 27(1), 100131.
Payne, P., Blanco-González, A., Miotto, G., & del-Castillo-Feito, C. (2021). Consumer Ethicality Perception and Legitimacy: Competitive Advantages in COVID-19 Crisis. American Behavioral Scientist.
Bitektine, A., & Song, F., (2021). On the Role of Institutional Logics in Legitimacy Evaluations: TheE ffects of Pricing and CSR Signals on Organizational Legitimacy. Journal of Management, 49(3),March20231070–1105.
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Haack, P., Schilke, O., & Zucker, L. (2021). Legitimacy Revisited: Disentangling Propriety, Validity, and Consensus. Journal of Management Studies, 58(3), 749-781.
Cachón, G., Blanco-González, A., & Prado-Román, C. (2021). Sustainability actions, employee loyalty and the awareness: the mediating effect of organization legitimacy. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42, 1730–1739.
López-Balboa, A., Blanco-González, A., Díez-Martín, F., & Prado-Román, C. (2021). Macro level measuring of organization legitimacy: its implication for open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7, 53.
Díez-Martín, F., Blanco-González, A., & Miotto, G. (2022). The impact of state legitimacy on entrepreneurial activity. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18, 935–955.
Blanco-González, A., Cachón-Rodríguez, G., Del-Castillo-Feito, C., & Cruz-Suárez, A. (2022). Is Purchase Behavior Different for Consumers with Long COVID? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16658.
Del-Castillo-Feito, C., Blanco-González, A., Díez-Martín, F., & Cachón-Rodróiguez, G. (2022). Social Capital and Organizational Legitimacy as Competitive Advantages in the Information and Communications Technology Sector. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 33, (2), 100441.
Cachón-Rodríguez, G., Blanco-González, A., Prado-Román, C., &Del-Castillo-Feito, C. (2022). How Sustainable Human Resources Management helps in the evaluation and planning of Employee Loyalty and Retention: Can Social Capital make a difference? Evaluation and Program Planning, 95, 102171.
Pascual-Nebreda, L., Cabanelas-Lorenzo, P., & Blanco-González, A. (2022). Understanding Dissatisfaction Through Evaluation Theory. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43 (7), 3116-3129.
Gordo Molina, V., Diez Martin, F., & Del Castillo-Feito, C. (2022). Legitimacy in entrepreneurship. Intellectual structure and research trends. Management Letters, 22(1), 115-128.
Díez-Martín, F., Miotto, G., & Cachón-Rodríguez (2022). Organizational legitimacy perception: Gender and uncertainty as bias for evaluation criteria. Journal of Business Research, 139, 426-436.
Delgado-Alemany, R., Díez-Martín, F., & Blanco-González, A. (2022). Exploring the intellectual structure of research in codes of ethics: a bibliometric analysis. Business Ethics, Environment & Responsibility, 31, 508–523.
Del-Castillo, C., Blanco-González, A., & Hernández-Perlines, F. (2022). The impacts of Socially Responsible Human Resources Management on Organizational Legitimacy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121274.
Barba Rey, M., Blanco-González, A.,& Miotto, G. (2023). Percepción ética de la marca y valor de marca: Análisis comparativo del Global 100 Ranking y del Best Global Brand Ranking. aDResearch ESIC International Journal of Communication Research, 30, e264.
Vila-Boix, L., Blanco-González, A., Miotto, G., & Hernández-Perlines, F. (2023). The impact of social media advertising on brand’ legitimacy. International Entrepreneurship Management Journal.
Blanco-González, A., Díez-Martín, F., & Miotto, G. (2023). Achieving Legitimacy Through Gender Equality Policies. Sage Open, 13 (2),
Blanco-González, A., Cachón-Rodríguez, G., Hernández-Perlines, F., & Prado-Román, C. (2023). Effects of Social Responsibility on Legitimacy and Revisit Intention: The Moderate Role of Anxiety. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113583.
Plaza-Casado, A., Blanco-González, A., Rivero-Gutiérrez, L., & Gómez-Martínez, R. (2024). Does the legitimacy of countries influence the internationalization of emerging market multinationals. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 30(1), 100233.